Collection Development

Developing the library media center collection is primarily the responsibility of the Library Media Specialist, who, along with other staff members, will evaluate a variety of materials and select materials based upon the curriculum and the objectives of the school. Selected materials will then be ordered following standard prescribed procedures.

Evaluation and Selection
School library media collections should meet current state standards (see the Wisconsin State Department of Education publication, Standards for School Library Media Programs in Wisconsin in the Appendix) and should conform as nearly as possible to the American Library Association standards. After the basic collection is acquired, additional materials should be selected to support the curriculum and new or special programs, to enrich all phases of school activities, to give depth to the collection, and to update and replace materials as needed.

The Wautoma Area School District policy regarding the selection of instructional materials, including those placed in the Library Media Centers, is the primary source for selection criteria. Materials at the appropriate grade level may be selected from the following:

· Approved List of Bibliographic Sources and Reviewing Journals (see appendix)
· Blanket Approval - sources of consistently high quality materials (see appendix)
· Central AV Library
· Public Access Catalog for the Wautoma Area School District
· List of resources in approved curriculum guides, including those for approved pilot programs
· List of materials pertaining to an approved textbook, when the materials are an integral part of the textbook series and published by the same publisher (e.g., audio tapes, compact discs, computer software, kits, transparencies, and videotapes).

Any materials not reviewed in approved selection aids may be purchased upon favorable evaluation by three professionals, using the established Selection Criteria for Media Center Materials form (see Appendix). One form including all three signatures is acceptable. Use a separate form for each item purchased.
In addition to observing the evaluation and selection policies established by the Wautoma Area School District Board of Education, the Library Media Specialist should also be aware of the suggestions of the American Association of School Librarians, which reaffirm its belief in the Library Bill of Rights of the American Library Association (see Appendix). Whenever it does not conflict with district policy, it is the responsibility of the Library Media Center:

“To provide a comprehensive collection of instructional materials selected in compliance with basic written selection principles, and to provide maximum accessibility to these materials.

To provide materials that will support the curriculum, taking into consideration the individual’s needs, and the varied interests, abilities, socioeconomic backgrounds, and maturity levels of the students served.

To provide materials for teachers and students that will encourage growth in knowledge, and that will develop literary, cultural and aesthetic appreciation, and ethical standards.

To provide materials which reflect the ideas and beliefs of religious, social, political, historical, and ethnic groups and their contribution to the American and world heritage and culture, thereby enabling students to develop an intellectual integrity in forming judgments.

To provide a written statement, approved by the local Boards of Education, of the procedures for meeting the challenge of censorship of materials in school library media centers.

To provide qualified professional personnel to serve teachers and students.”
......School Libraries, Vol. 19, No. 2, p. 61

Gift Materials
Gift books or other materials, which are offered to Library Media Centers, must meet the selection standards of the Wautoma Area School District. For guidance, see the Selection of Instructional Materials Policy # (in the Appendix).